Results for 'Xushshiyeva Bog'dagul Javli Qizi'

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    Blockchain Technology Usage on Intellectual Property Rights.Lobarkhon Ruzmurodova Mirzabek Qizi & Bakhshillo Khodjaev Kamalovich - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (2):363-380.
    This paper explores the potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing intellectual property (IP) protection and its implications for sustainable development goals, particularly those related to peace, justice, and strong institutions. By providing a transparent and immutable ledger for tracking IP ownership, blockchain offers a secure platform to combat fraud and misrepresentation in IP transactions. Additionally, smart contracts can automate IP enforcement, further enhancing protection measures. Beyond IP protection, blockchain fosters transparency in copyright ownership and transactions, facilitating fair compensation for creators (...)
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    Mŭminalar Silsilasi.Fotimakhon Sulaĭmon Qori Qizi - 2004 - Movarounnaḣr.
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    Bóg jako primum cognitum – dyskusje i kontrowersje.Agnieszka Kijewska - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (2):5-30.
    In this article, I present the conception of the first object of human intellect in the thought of the leading representatives of 13th century Scholasticism. The first object of a cognitive faculty is the essence that determines the proper domain of that faculty; thus the first object of human intellect is what defines the possible extension of human epistemic possibilities. The conception of the first object of human intellect presupposes and implies definite solution of important epistemological, metaphysical, and anthropological questions. (...)
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  4. Bog i mirovoe zlo.N. O. Losskiĭ - 1994 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Respublika".
    Dostoevskiĭ i ego khristianskoe miroponimanie -- T︠S︡ennostʹ i bytie -- Bog i mirovoe zlo.
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  5. Czy Bóg cierpi? Uwagi polemiczne do artykułu Dariusza Łukasiewicza.Marek Pepliński - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (6):257-266.
    Does God suffer? Some critical remarks on Dariusz Łukasiewicz’s paper ‘The suffering of God and the evil’ (Czy Bóg cierpi? Uwagi polemiczne do artykułu Dariusza Łukasiewicza 'Cierpienie Boga za zło') Author of article argues that Dariusz Łukasiewicz's criticism of Thomas G. Weinandy's book Czy Bóg cierpi?, directed towards three arguments for impassibility of God doesn't defeat Weinandy's theses. There are three reasons of that. First, Łukasiewicz criticism doesn't take into account metaphysical nature of Weinandy's arguments concerning nature of suffering and (...)
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    Bóg, metalogika i fatalizm.Jan Woleński - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (3):205-206.
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    Bóg postulowany w kontekście stanowisk Dostojewskiego i Szestowa.Andrzej Ostrowski - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:229-243.
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    Bogged Down in Ontologism and RealismRealism. Reinach’s Phenomenological Realist Response to Husserl.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2021 - In Rodney K. B. Parker (ed.), The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics. Springer Verlag. pp. 151-171.
    Adolf Reinach began his education in phenomenology with the teachings of Theodor Lipps before encountering Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations in 1902. What attracted Reinach to the Logical Investigations was the philosophical realism he saw accompanying Husserl’s criticism of psychologism and discussions of the formal structures of meaning therein. However, shortly after Reinach and a number of the Munich Circle members began studying with him in Göttingen, it became clear that the position Husserl espoused was shifting into transcendental idealism. Reinach maintained (...)
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  9. Bóg, religia i człowiek w myśli Pierre'a Teilharda de Chardin.Marcin Bogusławski - 2005 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 3.
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    Visdommens bog: Erkendelsen af overselvet.Paul Brunton - 1957 - Strubes Forlag.
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  11. Bóg i człowiek w wieku dwudziestym.Antoine Casanova - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (5):21-35.
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    Bog, vselennai︠a︡, zhiznʹ.Leonid Gavrilovich Chubrikov - 2010 - Gomelʹ: GGTU im. P.O. Sukhogo.
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    Bóg w utworach lirycznych Juliana Tuwima.Tomasz Cieślak - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 2:3-27.
    This article is a short presentation of God existance in Julian Tuwim’s works. In the early period of Julian Tuwim literal output, in juveniles and Czyhanie na Boga (Wailing for God), Sokrates tańczący (Dancing Socrates), Siódma jesień (Seventh Autumn), Słowa we krwi (Words in Blood), God is shown with a passion and nostalgia. But afterwords its position changed and was usually depicted as Jesus Christ. God became a sinonime of lost love, order, consolation in the article of awe existance, justice (...)
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    Bóg i antyrealizm.Krzysztof Czerniawski - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (4):135-161.
    Można wyróżnić dwa rodzaje powiązań między antyrealizmem semantycznym a teizmem. Pierwsze z nich ma swoje źródło w antyrealistycznym twierdzeniu, że język rozumiemy dzięki naszej znajomości uzasadnień sądów lub zdań. W konsekwencji tego staje się czymś niemożliwym przekazanie wiedzy Boga wierzącemu, jeśli ten ostatni osobiście nie zna uzasadnienia odpowiedniego zdania. Ze szczególnie mocnym przedstawieniem tej doktryny mamy do czynienia na ostatnich stronach Logicznej podstawy metafizyki Michaela Dummetta. Można to rozumieć jako całkowite odrzucenie każdego rodzaju iluminacjonizmu, a także pewnych w jakiś sposób (...)
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  15. Bóg w filozofii Franza Rosenzweiga.Tadeusz Gadacz - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 30 (2):91-104.
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    Bog v tebe.I. I. Garin - 2008 - Moskva: TERRA-Knizhnyĭ klub.
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    ,,Bóg i nowa fizyka'' [recenzja] Dio e la nuova Fisica, 1984. Paul C.W. Davies, God and the New Physics, 1983.Michał Heller - 1985 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 7.
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  18. Bóg jest Polifoniczny.Wacław Hryniewicz - 2006 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 57 (1):7-20.
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  19. Bóg przemawia przez Proroków.Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas - 2006 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 57 (1):77-83.
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    Stories from the bog: on madness, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.Patrick B. Kavanaugh (ed.) - 2012 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    This collection of short stories and essays call into question the medical-scientific narrative, its understandings of psychoanalysis and madness, and the identity, purpose and ethics that flow from and sustain its narrative. These stories are gathered from meetings with people on in-patient units and in private practice. Emphasis is placed on the centrality of the Freudian unconscious in the process of listening, understanding and responding in the analytic discourse. Collectively, they reintroduce the identity of the analytic practitioner as the shaman (...)
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    Czy Bóg zna zło? Antyczne rozwiązanie problemu na przykładzie filozofii Temistiusza.Monika Komsta - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (1):19-33.
    Greek philosophy, especially Aristotelianism, because of the concept of God present in this thought, did not raise the issue of divine omniscience and divine knowledge of evil. The divine omnisciene seemed to be contrary to God’s perfect being. In the time of Themistius, whose thought I present in this paper, Neoplatonism and Christian Neoplatonism showed new possibilities of solving this problem. Themistius being aware of these new topics and including them in his own philosophy, still however represents ancient Aristotelianism with (...)
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  22. Bóg, Sofia, świat w myśli Sergiusza Bułgakowa.Eugeniusz Kudziela - 1992 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 5 (5):143-160.
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  23. Bóg i rewolucja.Jakub Litwin - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (5):44-61.
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  24. Czy Bóg Feuerbacha umarł.Zbigniew Mikołejko - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 46 (2):71-80.
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    Wszechświat, Bóg, wieczność [recenzja] Krestanstvo a fyzika. Popredni slovenski prirodovedci o vesmire, Bohu a vecnosti, 1999.Peter Mlynarčik - 2000 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 26.
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    Odsutni Bog: varijacije postavke o posvjetovljenju.Dražen Pavlica - 2016 - Beograd: Šprint.
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  27. Bóg w filozofii Alfreda N. Whiteheada.Halina Perkowska - 2000 - Nowa Krytyka 11:201-236.
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    Pochemu Bog spit: samizdatskiĭ traktat L.E. Pinskogo i ego perepiska s G.M. Kozint︠s︡evym.L. Pinskiĭ - 2019 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istorii︠a︡. Edited by A. G. Kozint︠s︡ev.
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  29. Bog--nash otet︠s︡ i papochka.Aleksandr Polishchuk - 1992 - Kazanʹ: Obʺedinenie "T︠S︡erkvi Khrista".
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  30. Bog i chelovek v russkom religiozno-filosofskom diskurse.E. V. Sergeeva - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Saga.
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    Bog kato poni︠a︡tie i kato tsennost.Ivan Slanikov - 2004 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izd-vo "Marin Drinov".
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  32. Bóg a moralność.Richard Swinburne - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 73.
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    Czy Bóg jest matematykiem?Michał Tempczyk - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2):255-264.
    Scientists, when they want to understand properties of complex systems, they divide them into simple parts and – knowing the parts and their relations – reconstruct the whole. This approach is effective in the case of simple systems: atomic nuclei, atoms, chemical compounds, stars and so on. In biology it is supplemented by the theory of evolution. However the situation is hopeless when one wants to explain the astonishing properties of the Universe generally known as Anthropic Principle. Discussing that problem, (...)
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    Bóg, modalność, esencjalizm. Pewna wersja szkotystycznego dowodu tezy o istnieniu Boga.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (1):231-256.
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  35. Bóg gnozy.Jan Trąbka - 2002 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 14 (14).
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  36. Bog i chelovek: Uchenie o Boge i Bogopoznanil v svete pravoslaviia.Serge S. Verhovskoy - 1956 - Ni︠́u︡-ĭork: Chekhov Pub. House.
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  37. Bog, duša in sebstvo v Alkibiadu Prvem God, Soul and Self in Alcibiades I.Boris Vezjak - 2003 - Phainomena 45.
    V domnevno Platonovem dialogu Alkibiadu I je postavljena trditev, da je del duše, ki skriva naše pravo sebstvo, naš jaz, podoben Bogu: nekdo, ki ga uvidi in je spoznal božansko – boga in razumnost, bo tako najbolje dojemal tudi samega sebe. Vprašanje sebstva v dialogu nastopi kot smiselno nadaljevanje poprejšnjih izpeljav, po katerih se določa, da mi nismo ne telo, ne naše lastne stvari, temveč duša. S tem, ko sebstvo poistovetimo z Bogom, nekako uidemo problemu samonanašanja in postavimo vprašanje samovédenja (...)
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    Bóg i świat.Alfred North Whitehead - 1990 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 12.
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    Overlegen bog beriger offentlighedslitteraturen gennem Shakespeare.Joachim S. Wiewiura - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 76.
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  40. Mit, Bóg, kultura. O filozofii Leszka Kołakowskiego.Krzysztof Świątek - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 246 (5).
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    Bóg, nieskończoność i język [dyskusje i polemiki].Stanisław Wszołek - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 30.
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  42. Bog i mir.L. A. Zander - 1948 - Parizh,: YMCA Press.
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    Bóg – filozofia – uniwersytety. Wybrane zagadnienia z historii katolickiej tradycji filozoficznej. [REVIEW]Anna Głąb - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (4):156-160.
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  44. Balet Dawkinsa w ogrodzie Teologii. Uwagi krytyczne w sprawie racjonalności głównych twierdzeń dotyczących wymiaru poznawczego twierdzeń o Bogu, zawartych w książce Richarda Dawkinsa Bóg urojony. Część II.Marek Pepliński - 2014 - Filo-Sofija 14 (25/2/2):355-376.
    Dawkins’ Ballet in the Garden of Theology. A Critical Assessment of Richard Dawkins’ Epistemological Theses on Theistic Beliefs from the God Delusion. Part II My paper presents an analysis and assessment of Richard Dawkins’ assumption from his book The God Delusion that there are no reason against treating belief in God as a scientific hypothesis, because even if the God existence is not disprovable, we could and maybe should ask if His existence is probable or highly improbable. My first aim (...)
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  45. Balet Dawkinsa w ogrodzie teologii. Uwagi krytyczne w sprawie racjonalności głównych twierdzeń dotyczących wymiaru poznawczego twierdzeń o Bogu, zawartych w książce Richarda Dawkinsa Bóg urojony. Część I.Marek Pepliński - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18):293-322.
    Dawkins’ Ballet In the Garden of Theology. A Critical Assessment of Richard Dawkins’ Epistemological Theses On Theistic Beliefs From The God Delusion. Part I My paper presents a detailed analysis and assessment of Richard Dawkins’ epistemological theses from The God Delusion concerning the nature of religious belief, the existence of God and treating belief in God as a scientific hypothesis. In the first part of the article, I am interpreting Dawkins’ statement that atheism deserves respect as an epistemic achievement. I (...)
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  46. Bóg Mistrza Eckharta wobec Nietzscheańskiej krytyki chrześcijaństwa.Piotr Augustyniak - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):211-224.
    English title: Master Eckhart’s God Confronted with Nietzschean Critique of Christianity. Author tries to demonstrate that the way of thinking about Christian God developed in the late Middle Ages by Master Eckhart goes beyond the interpretation which underlies Nietzsche’s criticism of Christianity as a religion of the other world. In the paper, Author first presents the said criticism, followed by the vision of God outlined by Eckhart. He demonstrates that Christianity, criticized by Nietzsche, uses a commonsense vision of God’s transcendence (...)
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  47. Peat Bogs, Sperm, and Family Values: Teaching Naturalism Charitably.Marc Champagne - 2016 - Sexuality and Culture 20 (3):526–534.
    Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality often assign excerpts from Thomas Aquinas as an exemplar of the naturalist view. Given that most novice students tend to side against such naturalism uncritically, they need to be exposed to a more charitable account of the biological considerations motivating a stance like Aquinas.’ With that in mind, this article presents accessible arguments aimed at restoring deliberative balance in the classroom.
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  48. Dieu fainéant? Bog in telesa pri Descartesu, Malebranchu in Leibnizu.Gregor Kroupa - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (1):67-82.
    "Dieu fainéant? God and Bodies in Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz" Conservation, concurrence with secondary causes, and occasionalism are the three attitudes that God can have towards the created universe in early modern philosophy. The aim of this article is to show how and in what forms these three originally mediaeval theories had survived the seventeenth century in Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz. I argue that although it cannot always be unequivocally determined which of the three doctrines each of the thinkers is (...)
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  49. Ducks, Bogs, and Guns A Case Study of Stewardship Ethics in Newfoundland.Catherine M. Roach, Tim I. Hollis, Brian E. Mclaren & Dean L. Y. Bavington - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (1):43-70.
    Three major strategies exist for the protection of endangered habitat and species: (1) land acquisition programs, (2) government legislation and regulatory agencies, and (3) "stewardship" programs that are voluntary and community-based. While all of these strategies have merit, we suggest that stewardship holds particular advantages and should be considered more often as a strategy of first choice. In this article, we examine the Municipal Wetland Stewardship program of Newfoundland, a popular and successful Canadian policy for the local protection of wetlands. (...)
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    Bóg a wiedza moralna. W odpowiedzi Profesorowi Stanisławowi Judyckiemu.Artur Szutta - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):145-163.
    Artykuł stanowi odpowiedź na Stanisława Judyckiego argument z odwróconego spektrum aksjologicznego za koniecznością odwołania się do Bożych nakazów dla uzasadnienia naszych przekonań moralnych. Tekst składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej prezentuję Judyckiego argument z odwróconego spektrum aksjologicznego oraz odwołanie się do Bożych nakazów dla uzasadnienia naszych moralnych przekonań. Na potrzeby tego tekstu uznaję potrzebę odwołania się do teizmu dla pokonania sceptycyzmu moralnego. W części drugiej wysuwam zarzut, że stanowisko Judyckiego popada w błędne koło. W części trzeciej proponuję alternatywną wersję (...)
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